Using Seminars to Attract Clients?

Demonstrating your skills to potential clients through seminars and workshops is an effective way to build your business.
At the same time, seminar marketing can be time-consuming, and maximizing its utility relies upon filling your seats with qualified participants.
Last Minute Training can increase the value and effectiveness of this marketing strategy. Using our unique 'request based marketing' system, we help fill empty seats with members of our service who have specifically asked to be notified of seminars like the ones you are holding.
Filling those empty seats adds to your credibility as an expert and future provider to all attendees - those additional prospects from Last Minute Training's membership, and especially those 'hot prospects' you personally invited to attend.

You work hard at pricing your seminar appropriately,
but it's not an exact science.
How many qualified participants are you missing simply because they do not have the budget to pay the full price for your seminar?
Last Minute Training helps reach that market using a two-pronged process. First, when you list a course with us at the last minute, it allows you to offer a discount at 'arm's length', while continuing to protect your brand and your pricing. Second, our special 'make an offer' process allows our members to make anonymous offers for your empty training space. You can view all offers on your account page, and decide whether to accept or reject them.

Knowing when to schedule your seminar, how long to make and where to hold it is all part of the planning of a successful seminar.
Last Minute Training provides valuable feedback to you to help you make these decisions. Every time a potential participant visits your course listing and leaves without registering, we ask them to fill out a quick, optional 'why didn't you buy' feedback form.

Continuous improvement is a key part of building
a strong seminar attendance.
Satisfied participants are great potential clients and a great source of strong leads. Direct feedback from your participants is key to directing your improvement process and continuously creating satisfied participants. All Last Minute Training members are asked to fill out seminar feedback forms. Feedback will highlight what is working well in your seminars, and also show you areas that need improvement.

Start listing your seminars today!!
Even if you don't have a seminar coming up in the next few days, the earlier you get registered on Last Minute Training the better. To maximize results and exposure for our providers, we have limited listing space, allowing only three seminar providers to list seminars in any given category - make sure you're one of them! Also, being listed in our seminar providers database creates awareness of your organization and helps users find your seminars when you do list them. Getting started is easy, simply contact us today and we'll work with you to design a custom package tailored to your needs.