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Practice using the tools and techniques of formal project management.

  • Course Start Date: 2025-07-21
  • Time: 08:30:00 - 16:30:00
  • Duration: 3 days 08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
  • Location: Virtual
  • Delivery Method(s): Virtual Instructor Led

Course Outline



A well-planned, well-managed project provides clarity, reduces risk, controls cost, and delivers value to the business.

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals and best practices of project management through hands-on, real-world exercises. Ensure that you are delivering business value by assessing a project’s business case, identifying stakeholders and their relationship to your project, capturing product requirements, and establishing quality metrics to guide the development of your product and reassess the business case. Define product scope to provide clarity for project delivery and create a work breakdown structure to define project scope for the team. Manage your project within the planned budget and schedule by managing change and identifying and managing risks, assumptions, and constraints. Track the delivery of business value and close projects out cleanly.

By the end of this course, you should have gained a good understanding and experience of the core competencies that make a successful project manager.

Students pursuing a university-recognized and/or accredited certificate in Canada or continuing education units in the US must attend at least 90% of class time, participate in class exercises and section-knowledge checks, and score at least 70% on an end-of-class, multiple-choice assessment.

PMI is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

This is a BYOD course. Students should bring a PC, Mac, or tablet to class in order to access digital course materials. Students can download a copy of the course materials in their MyGK account.


  • Articulate the relevance of core project management competences.
  • Identify key project goals and assumptions and set the stage for value delivery.
  • Understand how to identify stakeholders and assess how to engage with them during the project.
  • Meet stakeholder informational needs by creating an actionable communication plan.
  • Articulate product scope as part of the charter.
  • Become familiar with the process of eliciting and capturing requirements.
  • Create the WBS and dictionary that would deliver the scope in the project charter.
  • Perform a more detailed and systematic assessment of risk.
  • Articulate guiding quality characteristics for the project.
  • Sequence activities, create schedule, and estimate the cost of the project.
  • Manage change in projects.
  • Track value delivery in projects.
  • Understand the basics of a project retrospective.


Classroom Live Outline

1: Match competence to scenario 
2: Evaluate a project business case 
3: Identify and assess stakeholders 

  • Stakeholders
  • Resource management
  • Teams

4: Develop a communication plan 
5: Define product scope 

  • Project charter
  • Product and project scope

6: Decompose product scope into stakeholder requirements 

  • Requirements

7: Create WBS and dictionary 

  • Work
  • Work breakdown structure

8: Create risk register 

  • Risk identification and management

9: Establish quality metrics 
10: Create an initial schedule and budget 

  • Effort and duration
  • Estimating effort
  • Level of accuracy in estimates
  • Team-based estimation
  • Scheduling
  • Estimating cost

11: Review and disposition a change request 

  • Change management

12: Use metrics to reassess the business case 

  • Delivering business value

13: Close out a project 


  • Anyone who is involved in, or affected by, projects or change management within an organization, including project managers, IT project managers, project coordinators, team leaders, product managers, program managers, project team members, subject matter experts, analysts, stakeholders, and senior managers who want to get more out of their project teams
  • Anyone in a leadership role who will benefit from an introduction to the art and science of project management
  • You should not take this course if you have taken IT Project Management or Applied Project Management. The subjects covered are the same.


This course qualifies you for the following PMI® Professional Development Units (PDUs):

  • Leadership = 4
  • Strategic and Business Management = 3
  • Technical Project Management = 14

Total = 21


In this training course, you’ll gain the essential preparation needed to pass the PMP and CAPM® exams. Concentrating on exam content from A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) - Sixth Edition and other sources, this course includes a wide variety of learning tools and study aids, all using Project Management Institute (PMI)® terminology. 

Cancellation Policy

We require 16 calendar days notice to reschedule or cancel any registration. Failure to provide the required notification will result in 100% charge of the course. If a student does not attend a scheduled course without prior notification it will result in full forfeiture of the funds and no reschedule will be allowed. Within the required notification period, only student substitutions will be permitted. Reschedules are permitted at anytime with 16 or more calendar days notice. Enrollments must be rescheduled within six months of the cancel date or funds on account will be forfeited.

Training Location

Online Classroom
your office

your city, your province
your country   

About Global Knowledge

Global Knowledge is the world's leading learning services and professional development solutions ... Read more


Global Knowledge is the world's leading learning services and professional development solutions provider. We deliver learning solutions to support customers as they adapt to key business transformations and technological advancements that drive the way that organizations around the world differentiate themselves and thrive. Our learning programs, whether designed for a global organization or an individual professional, help businesses close skills gaps and foster an environment of continuous talent development.

Training Provider Rating

This vendor has an overall average rating of 4.38 out of 5 based on 431 reviews.

I would never take another course that starts at 11AM and goes to 9PM again. The way the course was laid out really took away from ... Read more

I would never take another course that starts at 11AM and goes to 9PM again. The way the course was laid out really took away from the capturing of what was presented as it was 5-6 hours of watching a screen before getting to the actual labs. There has to be a better way to lay out this particular course. In my previous course, the lectures were broken up by labs which worked out fantastic and kept you engaged in the course. There were days when in order to actually complete the labs, would go over the 9PM day end time frame. Was able to get the primary labs done, but if you want to get all the content completed, you cannot complete it in the window of this course, you will need to come back on your own time.

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