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This course discusses how to configure and use essential components of financial management in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

  • Course Start Date: 2025-08-18
  • Time: 09:00:00 - 17:00:00
  • Duration: 4 days 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • Location: Virtual
  • Delivery Method(s): Virtual Instructor Led
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Course Outline


Basic understanding of ERP, CRM concepts.
Dynamics 365 Unified Operations Core Track (MB-300)


Organizations use Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations to elevate their financial performance by increasing profitability, optimizing workforce productivity, reducing operational expenses, adapting quickly to requirement changes, and streamlining asset management. 


  • Financial Management
  • Configure Currencies
  • Create fiscal calendars, years and periods
  • Configure Chart of Accounts
  • Configure Ledger and Journals
  • Configure Cash and Bank Management
  • Use Cash and Bank Management
  • Configure Letters of Credit and Guarantees
  • Perform Daily Procedures
  • Intercompany Accounting
  • Configure Ledger Allocations and Accruals
  • Configure Sales Tax
  • Configure Post-Dated Checks
  • Configure and Use Basic Budgeting and Budget Control Processes
  • Configure and Use Budget Planning Processes
  • Configure Fixed Assets Management
  • Manage Fixed Assets
  • Configure and Use Cost Accounting
  • Configure and Use Periodic Processes
  • Configure the Electronic Reporting Framework
  • Configure Localized Features
  • Configure Financial Management for Public


MB-310T01: Configure and Use Essentials Components of Financial Management in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Module 1: Financial Management
In this module you will learn some of benefits of financial management of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.


  • Benefits of financial management
  • Financial management
  • Module summary

You became familiar with modules in Finance and Operations related to financial management and their overall features and functionality.

Module 2: Configure Currencies
One of the first and most important steps of implementing financial management in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations is currency setup. Currency setup is a required step in the configuration of the system and is used to record financial transactions. This module explains currency management in Finance and Operations.


  • Introduction
  • Setup legal entity currencies and conversions
  • Configure and import currency exchange rates
  • Practice lab
  • Module summary

You have now learned about different types of currencies in Finance and Operations. You are also familiar with the concept of triangulation currency, how to set up legal entity currencies and conversions.

In the video, you learned how to configure exchange rate providers and use them to import exchange rates into an exchange rate type.

Module 3: Create fiscal calendars, years and periods
Before posting transactions, a new fiscal year must be divided into periods. This is because transactions cannot post unless a period is created for the posting date and shared across multiple legal entities. A benefit of sharing fiscal calendars is that this supports multiple fiscal calendars for each legal entity. The fiscal year in Finance and Operations can be set to any length and divided into any number of periods. This module explains fiscal and ledger calendar management in Finance and Operations.


  • Introduction
  • Create fiscal calendars, years and periods
  • Create date intervals
  • Practice lab
  • Module summary

In this module, you learned how to:

  • Differentiate between ledger and fiscal calendars.
  • Configure and set up fiscal calendars, years, and periods.
  • Create and use date intervals.

Module 4: Configure Chart of Accounts
A chart of accounts is a set of main accounts in Finance and Operations that captures financial information upon posting a journal. Each account is assigned an account number as a unique identifier.


  • Introduction
  • Define and configure the chart of accounts
  • Define and configure the financial dimensions
  • Define and configure account structures and rules
  • Practice labs
  • Module summary

In this module, you learned how to:

  • Identify the required components for the chart of accounts.
  • Define and configure the chart of accounts.
  • Define and configure the financial dimensions and dimension sets.
  • Configure chart of accounts, main accounts, categories, templates, ledger account alias, and balance control.
  • Configure account structures and advanced rules.

Module 5: Configure Ledger and Journals
A journal is a worksheet that you can use before you manually enter postings into the system. When you set them up correctly, journals allow you to quickly and efficiently manage posting. To use a journal, you must have a journal name, and should complete the configuration of the ledger, journal, and posting of the General ledger module. By using the General ledger journal directly or via the General ledger processing workspace, you can perform daily activities as someone who is assigned proper security role to access the General ledger. A journal name gives financial leaders the capability to control data entry validation and restrict posting of a journal name for users differently.


  • Journals and their setup
  • Configure ledger and journal setup
  • User journals
  • Practice lab
  • Module summary

In this module. you learned about:

  • Different types of journals and their setup.
  • How to configure ledger and posting setup.
  • How to configure and use journals.

Module 6: Configure Cash and Bank Management
In Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, organizations use the Cash and bank management module to create and maintain bank accounts. The Bank account table contains a record for each bank account. Each record contains bank account information, such as the following: - Registration number and account number - Address - Other contact information - Currency - Check setup - Main account for posting Finance and Operations uses this information to process all bank transactions, such as payments and deposits.


  • Introduction
  • Bank transaction types and groups
  • Setup cash and bank management parameters
  • Configure banks and bank checks
  • Deposit and refund checks
  • Cash flow
  • Practice Labs
  • Module summary

In this module, you learned how to:

  • Create and configure banks.
  • Create and configure bank layouts.
  • Configure cash and bank management parameters.
  • Set up vendor and customer banks.
  • Configure cash flow forecasts and reports.

Module 7: Use Cash and Bank Management
This module covers the main procedures in the Cash and bank management module in Finance and Operations. You learn how to work with cash and bank management workspaces such as Bank management and Cash overviews. You also learned about the processes and procedures for cash and bank management, like how to make deposits and cancel payments (deposits). Finance and Operations provides functionality to manage check payments, as well as procedures for resolving special situations with checks. You can delete, refund, and void checks, in addition to generating and issuing checks according to company specifications. Because Finance and Operations records all financial transactions, companies can use the bank reconciliation function to match internal company records of transactions against bank statements.


  • Make deposits and perform payment reversals
  • Use cash and bank management workspaces
  • Practice Labs
  • Module summary

In this module, you learned how to:

  • Work with cash and bank management processes.
  • Use cash and bank management workspaces.
  • Make deposits.
  • Cancel payments.

Module 8: Configure Letters of Credit and Guarantees
You now have learned what are the bank letters and how to configure letters of credit in order to create bank documents that are commonly used for the purchase and sale of goods across international borders and letters of guarantees where a bank agrees to pay a specific amount of money to a person if one of the bank's customers defaults on a payment or obligation to that person.


  • Introduction
  • Configure letters of credit
  • Configure letters of guarantee
  • Module summary

You will understand bank letters and letters of credit and guarantee.

Module 9: Perform Daily Procedures
Every manual posting entered in Finance and Operations is entered through a journal. A journal is a type of worksheet where entries do not post immediately. You can review, change, and verify completed journals until they are ready for posting. A voucher template is a voucher that can be used as the basis for future vouchers in other journal entries. You can use voucher templates with a general journal or any of the financial sub ledger journals such as Accounts payable and Accounts receivable journals. You can set up restrictions on the company, account type, and segment values.


  • Learn about general ledger processes
  • Create voucher templates
  • Setup journal controls
  • Practice Lab
  • Module summary

You have now learned how to process daily activities in general ledger and use journal control to apply rules during data entry.

You worked with balance control accounts to view the balances of either banks or liquidity accounts. You also learned that you can only use the balance control prior to posting to ensure that the entries are correct.

You learned how to benefit from voucher templates for Amount, which is simply copying the exact amount of the template as new lines, or Percent, which converts the amounts in the voucher into percentage factors. This allows any amount to be applied when the voucher template is selected.

Module 10: Intercompany Accounting
Intercompany accounting can help organizations by providing a single-entry point for transactions that must be recorded to multiple companies. Making transactions from a single company saves data entry time and helps provide a guarantee that transactions affecting multiple companies are recorded in each company. Finance and Operations also helps trace the intercompany entries through the system. It has the functionality that is required by most companies that process intercompany transactions. This includes the ability to efficiently record intercompany sales orders, purchase orders, and cash disbursements.


  • Setup and use intercompany accounting
  • Practice Lab
  • Module Summary

You will be able to set up and use intercompany accounting.

Module 11: Configure Ledger Allocations and Accruals
Finance and Operations provides the capabilities to support accrual schemes.


  • Introduction
  • Configure and apply accrual schemes
  • Configure ledger allocation rules
  • Practice labs
  • Module summary

You will have learned how to configure and use allocation rules, and how to configure and use accrual schemes.

Finance and Operations provides the following capabilities to support this process:

  • Manually allocate transaction amounts by using the split action in accounting distributions, or by applying financial dimension default templates to a document.
  • Automatically allocate transactions amounts based on allocation terms defined on individually on the main account. Allocation account entries will be generated for each journal based on the percentage and destination ledger account when an accounting entry meets the criteria defined as the source ledger account.
  • Automatically allocate ledger balances or fixed amounts based on ledger allocation rules. The ledger allocation rules are processed on a periodic basis using allocation journals.

Module 12: Configure Sales Tax
The requirements for tax calculation and tax reporting differ significantly for different countries or regions. Therefore, the Tax module of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations is extremely comprehensive.


  • Understand tax engine components
  • Practice lab
  • Module summary

You now have learned about country and regional tax reporting capabilities in Finance and Operations.

In this module, you learned how to configure tax components, such as sales tax authorities, settlement periods, and the sales tax codes. Additionally, you learned that sales tax codes is the main component to define tax calculations and connect all other components in the tax so that Finance and Operations can automatically calculate and post transactions for settlement based on the period interval assigned by an authority.


MB-310T03: Configure and Use Budgeting, Fixed Assets, and Additional Functionality in Finance and Operations

Module 1: Configure Post-Dated Checks
Postdated checks are checks that are issued to make and receive payments on a future date. Therefore, the check can't be cashed until the specified date. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations supports the full management cycle for post-dated checks in both Accounts receivable and Accounts payable. This topic explains how to set up and process post-dated checks.


  • Introduction
  • Manage post dated checks
  • Practice Labs
  • Module Summary

In this module you learned how to:

  • Process post-dated checks
  • Set up postdated checks
  • Register and post a postdated check for a customer
  • Settle a postdated check from a customer
  • Register and post a postdated check for a vendor
  • Settle a postdated check for a vendor

Module 2: Configure and Use Basic Budgeting and Budget Control Processes
Every organization, whether it is private or public, sets financial and operational goals by creating budgets. When the budget is established, management monitors the activities within the budget framework. This module provides information about the how to configure and use basic budgeting and budget control.


  • Introduction
  • Configure basic budgeting components
  • Configure budget control components
  • Create and test budget registry entries
  • Use inquiries and reports
  • Practice Labs
  • Module summary

In this module you learned how to:

  • Configure basic budgeting components
  • Configure budget control components
  • Use inquires and reports
  • Create and use budget registry entries

Module 3: Configure and Use Budget Planning Processes
With budget planning functionality you can consolidate multiple budget plans from a lower level into a single parent budget plan at a higher level in the organization. This is called bottom up approach budget planning which allows a budget planner to aggregate other plans into a high level or corporate plan for budgeting. You can also take the top down approach which requires developing a single budget plan at a higher level of the organization and allocate the budget to lower levels of the organization. Use this method when you rely on historical financial transactions of your company and create a centralized plan which can be allocated throughout different operating units defined by an organization hierarchy with Budget planning purpose. The budget planner as a final step of the budget planning, generates the budget register entry based on budget plan. An organization can configure budget planning, and then set up budget planning collaborative processes to meet its policies, procedures, and requirements for budget preparation. This topic explains how to configure and test Budget planning processes.Lessons

  • Introduction
  • Configure budget planning components
  • Practice Lab
  • Module summary

In this module you learned how to:

  • Configure Budget planning components
  • Create a budget plan template
  • Configure budgeting processes
  • Create a budget plan by using the budget plan wizard

Module 4: Configure Fixed Assets Management
This module starts with explaining fixed assets concepts and then shows you how to configure and use the Fixed assets module in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.


  • Introduction
  • Configure fixed asset components
  • Enable fixed asset integration
  • Create fixed assets
  • Practice labs
  • Module summary

In this module you learned how to:

  • Configure fixed assets components
  • Configure fixed asset parameters
  • Enable fixed asset integration with purchasing
  • Create fixed assets

Module 5: Manage Fixed Assets
To record fixed asset transactions using journals, you must create at least one journal name using the journal type Post fixed assets in the setup of the General ledger module. If budgets for fixed assets are required, you must also create a journal name that uses the journal type Fixed asset budget. This module explains how to process and manage fixed assets.


  • Introduction
  • Perform fixed assets tasks
  • Practice labs
  • Module summary
  • In this module you learned how to:
  • Perform fixed asset acquisition
  • Perform fixed asset depreciation
  • Perform fixed asset disposal

Module 6: Configure and Use Cost Accounting
Cost accounting lets you collect data from various sources, such as the general ledger, sub-ledgers, budgets, and statistical information. You can then analyze, summarize, and evaluate cost data, so that management can make the best possible decisions for price updates, budgets, cost control, and so on. The source data that is used for cost analysis is treated independently in Cost accounting. Therefore, updates in Cost accounting don’t affect the source data.


  • Introduction
  • Cost control workspace
  • Practice lab
  • Module summary

In this module you learned about:

  • Cost control workspace
  • How to create a cost accounting report by using the Cost accounting Get started wizard

Module 7: Configure and Use Periodic Processes
In General ledger, you can complete closing procedures for a period or a year. Closing processes prepare the system for a new period. There are many tasks such as preparing filings, inventory closing, consolidation and many more needs to be completed first. To prepare the system for a new year, you must run the year end close process. Each organization has different processes and steps that it performs for the end of a period.


  • Introduction
  • Bank reconciliations
  • Configure financial period close
  • Prepare periodic filings
  • Run foreign currency revaluation processes
  • Perform financial consolidations
  • Process end of year close
  • Practice Labs
  • Module summary

In this module you learned how to:

  • Configure financial period close
  • Reconcile banks
  • Perform periodic closing, and year closing processes
  • Prepare periodic filings
  • Configure and test Vendor 1099s process
  • Run foreign currency revaluation processes
  • Perform financial consolidation and elimination processes
  • Use Financial reports to create financial statements
  • Process end of year tax reporting

Module 8: Configure the Electronic Reporting Framework
Generic Electronic Reporting (GER) or simply Electronic Reporting (ER) is a configurable tool for regulatory reporting, payments and electronic invoicing. The ER engine is targeted at business users instead of developers. Because you configure formats instead of code, the processes for creating and adjusting formats for electronic documents are faster and easier. ER currently supports the TEXT, XML, PDF, Microsoft Word document, and OPENXML worksheet formats. However, an extension interface provides support for additional formats.


  • Introduction
  • Configure electronic reporting
  • Formula designer in electronic reporting
  • Practice Lab
  • Module summary

In this module you learned how to:

  • Configure Electronic Reporting (ER)
  • Create Electronic reporting (ER) configurations
  • Perform periodic closing, and year closing processes
  • Formula designer in Electronic reporting (ER)

Module 9: Configure Localized Features
Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations includes functionality for the countries and regions documented in the Product localization and translation availability guide. This module explains how to configure some examples of regional features in Finance and Operations. Please read the information on the Localization and regulatory features page to stay updated with the regional functionality of Finance and Operations for all countries/regions.


  • Introduction
  • Localization and regulatory features
  • Classification of Mexican localization features
  • Understand the global tax engine
  • Understand the features of fiscal establishments and documents for Brazilian localization
  • Bill of Exchange
  • Electronic Invoices
  • Practice Labs
  • Module summary

In this module you learned about:

  • Localization and regulatory features
  • Classification of localization features
  • How to apply country and region context
  • How to configure and demonstrate the features of Fiscal Establishments, and Fiscal Documents for a Brazilian localization
  • Test Bill of Exchange process
  • Configure and use Promissory notes
  • Configure and test Electronic invoices (CFDI) for a Mexican localization

Module 10: Configure Financial Management for Public Sector
The Public Sector, also referred to as the state and local sector, is predominantly a services industry managing the welfare of its citizens. The public sector industry includes organizations in the fields of municipalities, education, healthcare, public safety, public works and infrastructure, national defense, taxation, and various social programs.


  • Introduction
  • Setup funds for the public sector
  • Setup derived financial hierarchies
  • Configure billing codes for free text invoices
  • Practice Labs
  • Module summary

In this module you learned:

  • Set up funds for the public sector
  • Understand bank reconciliation methods
  • Set up derived dimensions
  • Set up derived financial hierarchies for the public sector
  • Advanced ledger entries functionality for Public sector
  • Configure billing codes for free text invoices


Cancellation Policy

We require 16 calendar days notice to reschedule or cancel any registration. Failure to provide the required notification will result in 100% charge of the course. If a student does not attend a scheduled course without prior notification it will result in full forfeiture of the funds and no reschedule will be allowed. Within the required notification period, only student substitutions will be permitted. Reschedules are permitted at anytime with 16 or more calendar days notice. Enrollments must be rescheduled within six months of the cancel date or funds on account will be forfeited.

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About Global Knowledge


Global Knowledge is the world's leading learning services and professional development solutions provider. We deliver learning solutions to support customers as they adapt to key business transformations and technological advancements that drive the way that organizations around the world differentiate themselves and thrive. Our learning programs, whether designed for a global organization or an individual professional, help businesses close skills gaps and foster an environment of continuous talent development.

Training Provider Rating

This vendor has an overall average rating of 4.38 out of 5 based on 431 reviews.

I would never take another course that starts at 11AM and goes to 9PM again. The way the course was laid out really took away from ... Read more

I would never take another course that starts at 11AM and goes to 9PM again. The way the course was laid out really took away from the capturing of what was presented as it was 5-6 hours of watching a screen before getting to the actual labs. There has to be a better way to lay out this particular course. In my previous course, the lectures were broken up by labs which worked out fantastic and kept you engaged in the course. There were days when in order to actually complete the labs, would go over the 9PM day end time frame. Was able to get the primary labs done, but if you want to get all the content completed, you cannot complete it in the window of this course, you will need to come back on your own time.

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Wasn’t as advanced as I thought it would be. There was an issue when the day my course was the first time they used a new platfo ... Read more

Wasn’t as advanced as I thought it would be. There was an issue when the day my course was the first time they used a new platform.. from adobe to something called zoom; I had to call support line cause it stated our instructor wasn’t present. Thankfully I called cause everyone online was in the adobe virtual classroom waiting for what looked like a teacher who didn’t show up for class (IT didn’t get anything resolved until 10mins after start time). I felt like he was really getting hung up on very basic knowledge for the first half of the course (talking about how to create tabs and drag formulas as an example). I completed files a few times before he was done explaining. There was a scheduled fire drill for them (roughly 30mins)that also cut into our time, which wasn’t deducted from the hour lunch break or the two, fifteen min breaks. I also really wish he touched base more on the automating workbook functions portion which we barely did. I'm happy there were/are those study guides (learning videos) and exams to take on my own time that I hope after I've had the class are still available for me to learn from.

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