The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA)
Mission Statement
The Canadian Real Estate Association, the national organization which represents the real estate interest of its members and the public, enhances members' professionalism, competency and profitability; and it advocates governmental policies which improve the industry's market environment and the public's real property rights and ownership. Key Objectives: * To maintain an organizational structure for CREA . Its volunteer leadership and professional staff are there to effectively address the expectations of all members across Canada. * To promote, protect and safeguard all certification and design marks associated with this association. * To maintain a continuing relationship with the Federal Government in order to monitor and influence all public policy which affect the industry. * To help members become more aware about the Competition Act and how to apply it to their business activities. * To collect, analyze and disseminate data/information on significant market, economic, demographic and technological conditions affecting the housing and real estate industry. * To formulate, promote and foster consistent professional standards of business practice, integrity and ethical conduct among the membership. * To provide an interactive forum for the analysis and communication of industry issues, trends, and association benefits.Contact Info
344 Slater Street, Suite 1600
Ottawa Ontario
Phone: (613) 237-7111
Fax: (613) 234-2567
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