Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT)

About CAOT

The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists provides services, products, events and networking opportunities to assist occupational therapists achieve excellence in their professional practice. In addition CAOT provides national leadership to actively develop and promote the client-centred profession of occupational therapy in Canada and internationally.


Advance excellence in occupational therapy


All people in Canada will value and have access to occupational therapy


Integrity Accountability Respect Equity

Strategic Objectives

1. Advance leadership in occupational therapy 2. Foster evidence-based occupational therapy 3. Advocate for occupational therapy as an essential service 4. Develop workforce capacity in occupational therapy 5. Advance CAOT as the national occupational therapy professional association in Canada

Contact Info

CTTC Building, Suite 3400
1125 Colonel By Dr
Ottawa Ontario

Phone: (613) 523-CAOT (2268)
Fax: (613) 523-2552


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