Canadian Association for Conservation (CAC)
Our Objectives
The general object of the Canadian Association for Conservation of Cultural Property is to further the dissemination of knowledge concerning the conservation of Canada's cultural property and heritage. In so doing, the Corporation shall: 1. Promote scholarly research in, and further the dissemination of knowledge of the conservation of cultural property, including but not restricted to, artifacts, works of art, natural history specimens, archival materials and monuments; 2. With appropriate help from regional groups, hold periodic conferences, workshops or special meetings to discuss problems of mutual interest relating to the study of the conservation of cultural property; 3. Publish materials of benefit to conservation; 4. Promote the Code of Ethics and Guidance for Practice of the Corporation; 5. Obtain the cooperation of related disciplines in the improvement, coordination and dissemination of conservation knowledge, methods and working standards; 6. Promote partnership with other professionals in the conservation field as well as serve as an advocate for conservation to federal, provincial, and local government agencies and other organizations; 7. Promote the awareness of conservation among related professionals and the general public; and 8. Do all other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects of the Corporation.Contact Info
P.O. Box 87028
332 Bank Street
Ottawa Ontario
Phone: (613) 231-3977
Fax: (613) 231-4406
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