Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA)

Recognizing the diversity of the Canadian archival community and its organizations, the Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) envisions a dynamic, well educated, and well informed information profession, strategically positioned to ensure: * the preservation and accessibility of Canada's information resources and its documentary heritage; * the public's appreciation of those resources and that heritage; and * the role of the Canadian archival community in its preservation and accessibility. In helping to achieve this vision, the mission of a well governed and administered ACA is to provide strong and diversified professional leadership and support to the Canadian archival community through: * openness and transparency; * member participation; * national and international cooperation; and * sustainable and accountable programming and activities in the following areas: EDUCATION & RESEARCH Developing, supporting, and promoting and, where appropriate, delivering research, educational and training opportunities, tools and materials that are responsive to the needs of the Canadian archival community. PUBLIC AWARENESS Developing, supporting, promoting and delivering awareness initiatives, tools and information, which heighten society's appreciation of the existence, and value of Canada's information resources and its documentary heritage and the key role the archival community plays in making those resources and that heritage accessible. ADVOCACY Undertaking timely representation initiatives on national and international professional and institutional issues concerning the preservation and accessibility to Canada's information resources and its documentary heritage. STANDARDS Developing, adopting, supporting, and promoting the use of national and international professional standards and best practices in the workplace. From this vision statement flows the Strategic Plan, from which flows the three-year work plans for each Committee and the Special Interest Sections.

Contact Info

P.O. Box 2596, Station D

Ottawa Ontario

Phone: (613) 234-6977
Fax: (613) 234-8500


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